To create a stored procedure in MySQL that can be used to insert and update table header and details, you can follow this example:
DELIMITER //CREATE PROCEDURE insert_update_table (IN p_header_value VARCHAR(50), IN p_detail_value VARCHAR(50))BEGIN-- Check if the header already exists in the tableIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE header_column = p_header_value) THEN-- Update the existing recordUPDATE your_table SET detail_column = p_detail_value WHERE header_column = p_header_value;ELSE-- Insert a new recordINSERT INTO your_table (header_column, detail_column) VALUES (p_header_value, p_detail_value);END IF;END //DELIMITER ;
In this example, replace your_table with the actual name of your table, header_column with the name of the column where you want to store the header value, and detail_column with the name of the column where you want to store the detail value.
To use the procedure, you can call it like this:
CALL insert_update_table('Header Value', 'Detail Value');
This will either update the existing record with the provided header value and detail value if the header value already exists, or insert a new record with the provided values if the header value doesn't exist in the table.
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